Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study was to examine the foreign experience of halving food waste per capita in retail and at the consumer level and finding the most efficient way to dispose of food waste, which causes the least harm to the environment and the economy. Nowadays, about a third of food destined for human consumption is lost in food supply chains, and the loss of embedded resources is gaining increasing attention worldwide. Currently, more than half of UK households are dumped or incinerated, with the rest being anaerobically digested, composted or used as animal feed. While these methods help manage existing waste while simultaneously recovering energy and resources, they also generate additional environmental impacts and economic costs. Considering environmental impact and cost are equally important, incineration is the most sustainable option per ton of waste treated. For the annual volume currently processed in the UK, anaerobic digestion would be more sustainable than incineration. Thus, the most realistic scenario for increasing the sustainability of household food waste is to further favor incineration rather than landfilling, while increasing and promoting the segregated collection of food waste for treatment only through anaerobic digestion.

Climate change, costs, environmental impacts, food, sustainability assessment, waste treatment

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