TY JOUR TI Влияние изменений климата в голоцене на формирование разнообразия современных лесов и их трансформация к концу XXI века в Европейской России KW The set of the complex historical processes that began in European Russia since the end of the Wurm stage of Valdai glaciations KW about 12000 years ago KW has become a prerequisite for the migration of forest vegetation occurring at different times and its attendant complexes to the north following the retreat of glaciers and glacial waters. The most intensive settlement of dark taiga and broad-leaved trees (oak KW linden KW elm KW hazel KW maple) occurred in the phase of “thermal maximum” of early boreal and late atlantic holocene periods. JO Лесотехнический журнал AU Константинов, А.В. AU Сергиенко, В.Г. PY 2016 IS 6 PB Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова