Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
One of the main objectives of the enterprises for production of furniture is decrease in a material capacity of production and as a result decrease in its prime cost. Producers of kitchen table-tops for this purpose pass to production of table-tops of the combined design, replacing thick wood-shaving plates 25, 38 mm thick, with thinner 16 mm.For maintenance of more massive appearance of such table-tops to thin wood chipboard in the longitudinal direction at the edges of a board paste longitudinal strips from chipboard. The economy of material can lead to a deflection, the received table-tops. In this work the deflection of table-tops of the combined design was investigated. For studying of the reasons of emergence of a deflection and ways of its decrease the samples received in laboratory and working conditions were investigated. For pasting of boards from chipboard the paper and layered plastic used glue on the basis of polyvinyl acetate dispersion and the combined glue with various ratio of urea-formaldehyde resinand polyvinyl acetate dispersion. At the first stage defined a deflection of not revertedwood-shaving plates. Then controlled change of a deflection after gluing of plastic, paper from the back (and, paper and plastic made a veneering consistently and at the same time), after gluing of levels from chipboard. The deflection was defined in various directions of a furniture board in dynamics. Determined durability of gluing of plastic by above-mentioned glues. As a result of work it is established that the veneering of the front and reverse parties of plates in a hot press needs to be made at the same time. By production of the combined design of table-tops it is more expedient to use pure polyvinyl acetate dispersion. Durability on a plastic separation from wood-shaving plates is higher when using of the mixed glue on the basis of polyvinyl acetate dispersion and urea-formaldehyde resin.
deflection, chipboard, paper and layered plastic, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, veneering, furniture board.
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