Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, the traffic safety on the railways remains a topical problem of removing unwanted trees and shrubs in the right of way of railways. To improve the efficiency removal of unwanted shoots and branches and stumps, reducing the share of manual labor and facilitation of staff by the authors in 2015 were investigated little links resources saving compact means of mechanization, allowing their use in hard to reach places. These means of mechanization considered in combination with modern the vehicles, which can provide them with the necessary energy, both on the railroad track, and away from it. The design scheme drawn up manipulators for mathematical description of the motion of their units in the plan and profile of the railway, shows a diagram of the dynamic interaction between the rotary operating element with tree and shrub vegetation and stumps, and on the basis of these formulas and reasoned input parameter values it was built a number of plots. The article presents the main findings and recommendations of the study of kinematics and dynamics little links of the mechanism of forest machines. It was concluded that a number of promising kinematic schemes associated with the rotation of the body part telescopic of manipulators machines, substantiated possible working range of the of manipulators according to the scheme of their location on the machine base, a certain range of angles of rotation around the axis of the working equipment of its fastening, the issues of the impact of deviations small diameter unwanted shoots from the vertical cutting force.

railway, traffic safety, unwanted vegetation, manipulator, results of research.

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