Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
As a result of work it is established that decrease in temperature of a veneering with 85 to 60 0C positively influences reduction of a deflection of boards. Use of polyvinyl acetate disper-sion of various viscosity of essential influence on a deflection and durability of glue connection doesn´t render. Taking into account a deflection and durability of glue connection the best results are received at a veneering of a furniture board with use of high-viscosity dispersion at a temper-ature of 60 0C, pressure of 0.7 MPa and duration of endurance in the press of 52 seconds.
deflection, chipboard, paper and layered plastic, polyvinyl acetate dispersion, veneering, furniture board.
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