Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
It is known that the vertical load on the skidder including depends on the size characteristics hauling felled trees. In this case vertical load on the tractor is equal to the weight having caved in portion trees portion by the lower part of the tree cuta-way to the point of lifted from the ground surface and bending moment. For a determination of the weight the immersed por-tion is accounted distribution of mass along the length of felled trees wood density, modulus of elasticity and the friction force in felled trees the bundle. To simplify the calculation was performed at the following assumptions: a generator trunks accept how to defining body of revolution (truncated cone); wood density is uniform over the volume of that part of felled trees which is seen currently.
modulus of elasticity, deflection, felled trees, optimization
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