Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The purpose of this work is experimental definition of influence of reinforcing of crushed-stone layers of road carpet by volume geogrid on shift stability. Materials for the research are three fractional compositions of crushed stone: screenings of 0-5 mm; fr. 5-20 mm; fr. 20-40 mm. Reinforcing is made by GEO OR geogrid 20/5 with a size of cell of 16х16 cm and edge high of 5 cm. As a result of comparative tests of crushed-stone materials of different fractions for shift in the horizontal plane with the use of geogrid and without it, significant experimental data have been obtained.
forest road, road dressing, crushed stone, shear stresses, volume geogrid, angle of internal friction
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