Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the urgent tasks for intensive forest management is the scientific study of agricultural technology of creation of forest plantations, the study of peculiarities of growth, structure and formation. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of agrotechnical treatments on the survival and growth of mixed cultures of larch and spruce in the southern taiga subzone. In the areas of plantations test plots are laid in accordance with OST 56-69-83, silvicultural and forest inventory parameters are determined by conventional methods. Forest plantations are established in Prigorodny forestry of the Vologda district. Plantations were created under the same conditions, the same technology, with the same density. However, in one area of the mixed cultures agrotechnical treatments in the form of grass cutting were performed. The resulting research evidence suggests that mowing of weeds at the time of adaptation of the seedlings (first three to four years) in forest cultivated areas had a positive impact on the formation of mixed forest cultures of spruce and larch. The larch increasingly responded to this type of agro-technical care. From these data we see that the area of crops with weeds cutting has better survival of larch and all the morphometric parameters (height, root collar diameter, height increment). Trunks of larch in this area are in 2 times more than in the area of crops without conducted care. From this it follows that the larch, as light-demanding species, suffers from shading and it may die without timely care. Agrotechnical treatments as well affected positively on spruce plantation formation, but to a lesser extent than in larch plantation. On a plot of forest cultures with the agro-technical treatments (grass cutting) larger trunks with a greater increase in height are formed than in the area of crops that are not affected by care.

forest crops, agronomic treatments, survival rate, safety, adaptation, biometrics, growth.
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Научное обоснование агротехники создания лесных культур, исследование особенностей их роста, строения и формирования с целью разработки мероприятий по повышению биологической устойчивости, продуктивности, экологической и ландшафтообразующей значимости – является актуальной задачей для теории и практики лесоводства в регионе с интенсивным ведением лесного хозяйства.


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