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Abstract (English):
The article describes the features of the landscape and floral estate complexes Semiluki municipal district of the Voronezh region. Field studies were carried out in June 2014 and April 2016. 10 estate complexes were studied. Estate complexes play an important role and environment-forming portions can serve ecological framework nuclei. It is also important recreational value of estates. It was analyzed landscape structure Semiluki area and is made up of estates map of location within the types of terrain. Morphological and aesthetic features estate complexes largely depend on what type within the area it is located. Estates of Semiluki distrinct tend to slope type of terrain. Turning estate complexes in the register of protected areas (RoPA) Russia will benefit the recreational potential of the area, improve the stability of the environment and will promote environmental education. On the territory of Semiluki district area of RoPA is not sufficient, it is appropriate to extend it to make the environmental status of the estates. Currently 2 of the estate area have the status of existing natural monuments (Cottage Bashkirtseva and Semidubravnoe tract), but even in their territory conservation mode is not guaranteed. One reason for this is that the locals do not know what the estate are protected areas. In field studies, it was noted that the majority of estates are in poor condition is not respected conservation mode, the composition of flora no different variety, many estates have poor transport availability and information security. The paper offers recommendations for improving estates and their involvement in environmental and recreational nature

Estate, type of terrain, flora, old park, recreation, specially protected natural area.
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Усадебные комплексы играют важную роль при планировании и организации рекреационной деятельности в пределах той или иной территории, являясь ресурсом познавательной и прогулочно-эстетической рекреации.


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