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Abstract (English):
One of the topical issues of the application of furniture in domestic premises is defining its limiting (maximum) saturation in the premises so that the air in these premises, the allocation of harmful substances does not exceed the maximum allowable level (maximum permissible concentrations - MPC). It is known that in using furniture of wood-based panels (particle Board, Chipboard, wood fiber, MDF) this substance is formaldehyde. Currently, the MoH established the formaldehyde MPC in the air at the level of 0.01 mg/m3. The aim of this work was to determine the limit of saturation with the wood plates in premises, provided that indoor formaldehyde emissions from plates will not exceed the established by the Ministry of health MPC. This definition of the limit of saturation (Ls, m2 of plates/m3 of the premises air) was performed according to our previously derived formula. Calculations were made for furniture (cabinet furniture, tables, beds of panel design, furniture for sitting and lying, beds with soft headboards and elements), floor coverings and wall panels. In the result, it was found that, for example, when using chipboard of E1 formaldehyde emission class in designs of furniture, tables, beds of panel construction value of Ls when the IISP is 1.0 m2/m3 of air (saturation of the volume of air with plates in their testing by chamber method) and MPC=0.01 mg/m3 is 4.03 m2 /room, and when MPC=0.124 mg/m3 (adopted by the countries-participants of the WTO and the World Health Organization) it will make 50.05 m2/room. When using plates of the same emission class, and for the same value of IISP, when MPC=0.01 mg/m3 Ls value is 6.25 m2 /room, when MPC=0.124 mg/m3 it will make 77.63 m2 /room. When using E1 class chipboard panels in the construction of furniture for sitting and lying, beds with soft headboards and elements, Ls value in the IISP is equal to 0.3 m2/m3 air and at MPC=0.01 mg/m3 is of 1.21 m2 /room, and when MPC=0.124 mg/m3 it will make 15.02 m2/room. When using plates of the same emission class, and for the same value of IISP at Mac=0.01 mg/m3 Ls value is 1.88 m2/room, when MPC=0.124 mg/m3 it will make 23.45 m2/room.

Saturation limit of the air volume of the room, formaldehyde, chipboard.
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По действующим на ДСтП стандартам (ГОСТ 10632-2014 и ГОСТ 32289-2013) [1, 2] предусмотрен выпуск неламинированных плит классов эмиссии формальдегида Е0,5; Е-1 и Е-2 (табл. 1) и ламинированых – классов Е-1 и Е-2 (табл. 2), для которых установлены свои нормы выделения формальдегида при испытании плит перфораторным или камерным методами.


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