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Abstract (English):
Currently in Russia there is a wide range of hauling vehicles of domestic and foreign production for hauling forest. Despite the perfection of modern hauling cars constructions, they have several disadvantages, unnecessarily reducing their effectiveness. In recent years in our country and abroad, the intensive research is held on the development of promising technologies for the transport of forest based on the use of logging vehicles operated automatically, remotely and using combination of these methods. The developers, based on accumulated experience of the creation of "autopilot" to work in the quarries, roads, and tractor units in agricultural production and in other industries, are faced with the difficulties of adapting such machines for the conditions of their movement on forest roads. The main problem of the implementation and effective use of "autopilot" hauling vehicles is the absence or underdevelopment of the technical means of ensuring information and communication technologies of transport network in the vast territories of the forest fund within the scope of activities of logging companies and their remoteness from the end consumer. With the aim of studying the possibility of using remote control for logging vehicles, the authors propose a concept design of a timber truck with remote control, mounted on the chassis of serial trucks 63501-996 with the wheel formula 8 × 8 and equipped with manipulator SF-85C.For a full justification of working and design parameters of the proposed design of the timber truck with remote control, tasks for a comprehensive study of the machine are set, taking into account domestic and foreign experience and specific features of operation in terms of timber production.

logging, hauling wood, timber truck, remote control, autopilot, operation, short log truck, trip computer.
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Работа лесовозных автомобилей (ЛА) характеризуется крайне тяжелыми условиями, как при промышленных лесозаготовках, так и при ограниченных объемах вывозки древесины, заготавливаемой в малолесных районах страны.


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