Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The article describes main directions of forestry development in sparsely wooded region. Changes in forest legislation have led to the formation of the model of forest management focused on the development of entrepreneurship in Voronezh region. It is defined, that the main form of forest use in the region is lease of forest lands. The economic mechanism of forest management in these circumstances should be based on the balance of interests of participants of forest relations (the state, society, community, business). At the regional level, the factors restricting development of forestry are high cost of sanitary and health measures and the difficulty of disposing of small merchantable wood and wood fuel after sanitary felling and thinning. It is established that difficulties in the provision of forest land are associated with existing double counting of some lands and forests in Unified state register of real estate. For the analyzed period, the region has developed a stable business trend in the field of forestry to the development of public-private partnerships. It is proved that for the implementation of the principles of sustainable forest management and creation favorable conditions for the development and implementation of economically, environmentally and socially responsible forest development, we need support of business activities, in terms of creating regional infrastructure for support of entrepreneurship in forest sector (sectoral business incubators on the basis of existing research institutes in cooperation with leading forest universities) and ensuring its activities.
forestry, forest protection, tenants of forest areas, forest income.
Вопросы развития регионального лесного хозяйства актуальны не только в контексте сохранения биоразнообразия флоры и фауны, поддержания гидрологического режима рек и водных бассейнов, качества и устойчивости природной среды, сохранения климата, но и с позиции обеспечения регионального хозяйства ценным сырьем, получения экономического и социального эффектов. Энциклопедический словарь дает следующее определение развития, как необратимое, направленное, закономерное изменение материи и сознания, в результате чего возникает новое качество, состояния объекта его состава или структуры.
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