Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study was the comparative analysis of Russian and foreign practices of alternative energy development at the local level. The object of this research is the set of administrative influences that act as determinants of the formation of generation based on renewable energy as part of sustainable development of local communities and green economy. The subject of study is mechanisms, tools and practices of development of alternative energy. The main methods of research work are general theoretical research methods: analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of measurement, comparison, grouping and graphics. To assess the "gaps" between the current and target status of "green" energy as a set of controlled subsystems, the authors propose a method of GAP analysis, at this the main subsystems are allocated as the share of clean energy in the total volume of its generation, the average share of domestic equipment and components in the composition of power plants for alternative energy, the average level of depreciation of power plants to alternative energy, the average time to receive a construction permission for installations of renewable energy sources and connection to the central power grid. The article analyzed and systematized to-date mechanisms to stimulate the development of alternative energy in municipalities and regional governments in foreign countries. General constraints in the development of alternative power generation are revealed. The differentiation of regions of Russia according to the share of "green" power generation in its total production is made. Practices for effective implementation of infrastructure projects of "green" energy in municipalities of the Russian Federation are described and incentives for alternative energy development at the local level are defined. On the basis of generalization of experience of infrastructure projects in the field of alternative energy in cities and regions of Russia the most significant "barriers" in the development of renewable energy infrastructure at the local level are selected and classified , which include economic, administrative, institutional, technological and climatic ones. Several recommendations for the development of incentives to overcome constraints are formulated.

alternative energy, GAP analysis, development of energy infrastructure on local level
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Наличие развитой системы электрогенерации на основе традиционных источников, сравнительно низкие тарифы на электроэнергию, необходимость импорта технологий, а также длительный период окупаемости при низкой рентабельности инвестиционных проектов в области альтернативной энергетики являются одними из основных причин современной ситуации в российском обществе, при которой федеральные органы власти и крупный бизнес все еще не достигли консенсуса относительно необходимости широкомасштабного внедрения систем генерации на основе использования возобновляемых источников.Отсутствие такого согласия дает возможность Правительству РФ не рассматривать направление «зеленой» энергогенерации в качестве приоритетного, не расширять после периода активизации в 2007-2013 гг. механизмы государственной поддержки и минимизировать бюджетные инвестиции в альтернативную энергетику, а также «отложить» фазу активных действий в указанной сфере в ожидании завершения целого ряда кризисных процессов в мировой и национальной экономике.


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