Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Silvicultural and ecological studies were conducted in mixed pine-spruce stands, with the first receiving longgradual felling in 1993-1995 on the territory of Obozerskoe forestry, Arkhangelsk region. The studied stands are presented by mixed old growth pine forests of VII age class, III bonitet class. The studies was carried out on temporary plots, with the study by standard methods of layer deposition in the apiaries and in skidding track of long-term, gradual felling and planting untouched by felling (control studies). Studies show that 25 years after logging in apiaries and in skidding track are mainly dominated by viable undergrowth. There is an increase in the proportion of viable undergrowth in the apiaries (27 %) and skidding track (36 %) compared to natural vegetation (21 %). The largest number of all categories of undergrowth is taken into account on skidding tracks, mainly due to the settlement of spruce and birch, pine are almost not renewed. Calculations of the index of phytocenotic significance and the coefficient of floristic similarity (the Jaccard index) of living ground cover showed close species composition between pristine planting and skidding track and apiaries of long-term, gradual felling that indicates the similarity of environmental and forest conditions. Built biomorf spectra also indicate similar environmental conditions. Although skidding tracks have high proportion of herbs of caespitose life form (21.7 %), this indicates a certain degree of turfing. In the apiaries and in skidding tracks there are differences with the control in physical and chemical properties of upper soil horizons. The results of studying the dynamics of natural regeneration, living ground cover and upper soil horizons allow us to give recommendations for the long-term, gradual felling to preserve silvicultural and ecological potential of plantations. The second long-term, gradual felling (solid final felling) without additional measures to promote the resumption of the pine will result in change of species composition from pine-spruce in fir-birch, which is not desirable from economic and forestry points of view.

boreal forests, long-term, gradual felling, natural regeneration, living ground cover, soil degradation, physical and chemical properties
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Выбор вида рубок с целью заготовки древесины определяется, с одной стороны, лесоводственными требованиями по успешности лесовосстановления и, с другой, экономическими соображениями, которые диктует современный рынок [2]. При возобновлении леса, в связи с рубками, большое значение имеет вопрос, какую древесную породу (или какие породы) должны выращивать на вырубленных площадях. При этом нужно учитывать условия произрастания, соответствующие различным породам, и экономическую значимость (спрос на рынке) различных сортиментов. На Европейском Севере наибольшее хозяйственное значение имеют хвойные породы: сосна и ель, в меньшей степени лиственница.


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