Petrazavodsk, Russian Federation
One of the reasons that domestic machine-building enterprises have lost the market to foreign companies - manufacturers of machinery for harvesting and deep processing of woody biomass is underestimation of the need to accelerate the synthesis and implementation of domestic innovations in forest sector. The most important place in the number of such innovations is occupied by patented technological and technical solutions. The determining factor in formation of knowledge bases and convenience of further work with them is correct structuring and visualization of information that constitutes their essence. One of the approaches to the formation of knowledge bases is compilation of "intellectual matrices" for the development of an object of technology. These matrices are formed taking into account valuation of technical equipment reached by the object for the considered period of time of technical level by analyzing the patent documentation and helping to identify its most strongly and poorly developed "sides", which in turn makes it possible to determine promising areas for improvement. The authors offer the concept of knowledge management in forest complex by forming "intelligent matrices" for the synthesis of patentable technological and technical solutions. The concept was tested at a number of facilities of forest complex technologies and equipment and confirmed by forming and protecting of several dozens of patents. The methodology of synthesizing patentable technical solutions with the construction of intelligent matrices is shown on the example of constructive and technological analysis of a harvester. It is established that a promising direction for improving the design of harvester is to improve technical and economic characteristics of its operation in processor mode. The essence of patented technical solutions consists in equipping the handle of manipulator with an additional working element that allows to separate individual logs from the stack, thus providing free space next to them for free gripping of jaws of harvester head.
knowledge bases, innovations, intellectual matrices, forest complex, patents
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