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Abstract (English):
Green oak tortrix (Tortrix viridana L.) occupies a leading position in the leaf-biting pests of English oak (Querqus robur L.). Full-scale research on permanent test plots in the oak groves of the Voronezh Region and laboratory experiments at the Department of Ecology of VSUFT has revealed that the exit of the larvae of green oak tortrix is synchronized with the opening of the buds of the early form of the oak tree, and larvae have a regional specificity. Caterpillars of the first ages of green oak tortrix both in field and laboratory conditions show themselves as strict monophages, and caterpillars of the 5th age are facultative polyphages. For normal hatching of larvae, reactivation with low temperatures is necessary, followed by a set of effective temperatures of more than 1,750 ° C. At the same time, temperatures below -30 ° C for 3 days or spring frosts below -60 ° C lead to the death of oviposition. The speed of movement of the newly born caterpillars of green oak tortrix is 16 cm per minute or 9.6 m per hour, that is, during the active period, the newly born caterpillar can overcome 30-60 meters in search of food. The range of variation in the width of the head capsules of larvae of all 5 ages has been determined. The duration of the period of pre-fast fasting and sleep in older caterpillars varies considerably (2 = 0.709)but has a rather close correlation with the absolute weight of caterpillars (r = 0.587). The duration of the pupal stage is 7-13 days. In laboratory conditions, at a temperature of 220 ° C, the first butterflies fly out after 5 days. In nature, the flight of butterflies coincides with the flowering of jasmine, white acacia, black elderberry. The first males fly out and the females fly out only after 2-3 days. Mass flying begins 4-5 days after the appearance of the first butterflies. The butterflies’ outflying lasts 8-12 days, and they can be found in plantation for 16-28 days. From the entomophages of green oak tortrix, riders Phytodietus polizonias Forst., and on the puppies Phaeogenes invisor Thunb. Apechtis rufata Gm. Hoplectis maculator F. has been noted. The tahin Elodia tragica has been also found on the pupae. Trichogramma evanescens Weit. and Trihogramma embryophagum Htg. have been noted as the main ovaries of green oak tortrix

green oak tortrix, English oak, ecology of green oak tortrix, entomofeders, entomophages of green oak tortrix, foci of mass reproduction
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