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Abstract (English):
The element of the upper structure of the railway track are sleepers, which are made mainly of wood. Wooden sleepers from natural wood have a number of disadvantages. Reduce the disadvantages of sleepers made of natural wood is possible if their manufacture to use modified wood myag-kih hardwood, which by pressing will exceed the strength of the sleepers made of natural Dre-spring and its physical and mechanical characteristics is not inferior to the sleepers made of natural coniferous wood. However, one of the disadvantages of modified wood is its ability to change the size and shape with increasing humidity. Therefore, there is a need to create a new high-tech re-surdobarokamere the production of railway sleepers of the modified wood with improved ex-operational characteristics (durability, bio-logical stability, dimensional stability, wear resistance), exceeding the existing production. To increase the service life of wooden sleepers, increase their biostability and dimensional stability, raw materials for the production of sleepers must be impregnated with the composition of antiseptic and stabilizer, i.e. to conduct thermomechanical modification of wood. As raw materials it is possible to use wood of soft deciduous breeds of a birch and an aspen. Depending on the degree of pressing the sleepers of these species will exceed the strength of the sleepers of pine wood. But at the same time all properties of wood remain (damper, dielectric and others). Development of wood modification technology is possible on the basis of analysis of physical phenomena underlying technological operations. With this purpose, the theoretically calculated curves of heating of the billet in the section of the oily liquid, made on the basis of similarity criteria and on the basis of the physical phenomena of heat and mass transfer calculated duration of drying preparations. Accepted methods of impregnation, loading and relieving of the pressure during compaction

modified wood, drying, impregnation, pressing, antiseptic, humidity, stabilizer, physical and mechanical properties, sleeper
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