Russian Federation
The Explored question of the influence of the steepness of the meridian of the shell on value of the undermost frequency of the own fluctuations. The Founded geometry of the shell, when sensitivity of the frequency to steepness of the meridian begins to reveal itself.
meridian, shell, frequency, fluctuations, efforts, deformation, displacement, buildings
Рассмотрена упругая изотропная оболочка вращения, геометрия которой описывается уравнением ν = ν(z) в цилиндрической системе координат (z,q,v).
1. Gol´denveyzer A.L. Teoriya uprugikh tonkikh obolochek. - M.,1976.
2. Kolkunov N.V. Osnovy rascheta uprugikh obolochek. - M.,1973.