The reliable operation of tillage forestry cutters largely depends on the perfection of their means of protection against overloads. The safety devices used to protect against overloading of tillage mills by torque do not fully provide adequate protection of working bodies and the drive against arising overloads, since they have significant dynamic loads, low accuracy of operation, complicate the design of the machine, and lead to premature failure of individual its parts and assemblies increase the cost and repair costs. The main criterion for the design of high-quality fuses in design that protect the drive units of the machine in terms of torque is the introduction of such elements into their design that would allow several functions to be performed at once. Thus, this article presents recommendations that will allow the calculation of the main characteristics of the friction type fuses and their elements located in close proximity to the working body of the rotary forestry machine or built into them, having in their design elastic pressing elements of a flat cylindrical shape.
reliability, resource, friction element, elastic element, operation, geometrical parameters, moment.
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В предложенной конструкции предохранительного устройства при выполнении своих функциональных требований по передаче крутящего момента на рабочие органы и демпфирующего элемента в период нормального режима эксплуатации, а так же в период перегрузок наибольшие нагрузки воспринимает упругий элемент. Следовательно, выполнение расчетов по определению силовых и прочностных характеристик необходимо осуществлять для упругого элемента.
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