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Abstract (English):
The Voronezh region has a long history in the creation and cultivation of man-made forests in the forest-steppe and steppe zones and in the formation of forest reclamation complexes in forest-agricultural landscapes. Such work, training of personnel for forestry enterprises, the development of theoretical provisions is associated with the well-known names of prominent scientists and their students of the Voronezh Forestry University. Treshchevsky Igor Vladimirovich - Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Forester of the RSFSR, participant of the Great Patriotic War. With his participation and under his leadership, work was carried out for the first time on the reclamation of disturbed lands of the KMA. Important studies were carried out and recommendations were developed for optimizing the assortment of species and agricultural technology for growing them on dumps, a method for determining the economic efficiency of creating protective plantations was proposed and tested. Igor Vladimirovich owns more than 130 works, most of which are devoted to forest reclamation of disturbed lands. Professor Treshchevsky I.V. prepared 13 candidates of sciences. V.G. Shatalov and Ya.V. Pankov. Popov Vladimir Ksenofontovich - a famous scientist forester, professor, honored worker of higher education, full member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, rector of VSFI, VSAFT (1985-2005). Vladimir Ksenofontovich is the author of over 200 scientific papers. Under his leadership and direct participation, experimental-production facilities for provenance trial plantations of birch, pine-birch crops, and pine cultures of various densities were created. Shatalov Viktor Grigorievich - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor. He is the founder of the scientific direction - floodplain afforestation, principles of management in water protection zones. Based on the results of many years of research, he published 243 works, including 14 monographs, 1 textbook and 7 teaching aids. V.G. Shatalov paid much attention to personnel training. He prepared 10 candidates and 2 doctors of sciences. Deryuzhkin Rostislav Ivanovich - Doctor of Agriculture, Professor. Rostislav Ivanovich can rightfully be considered the creator of forestry. With his direct participation, tens of hectares of forest plantations of larch, pine and oak were laid. During the period of his work, he prepared 160 graduate students and 22 candidates of sciences, published more than 150 scientific papers. Pankov Yakov Vladimirovich - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, a recognized specialist in the field of the environment, rational nature management and forest reclamation. With his participation, over 40 years, unique biological objects were created on the dumps of the KMA. He prepared 4 doctors and 15 candidates of sciences; he published over 250 scientific works, including 14 monographs, received copyright certificates. All these scientists make a huge contribution to the theory and practice of afforestation and reforestation, training for the forestry industry

forestry, protective afforestation, forest reclamation, provenance trial plantations, floodplain afforestation, scientists, teachers, afforestation practices, reforestation
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