Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article seeks the answer to the question of how the distribution of the concentration of dissolved minerals in the sap after the winter period in the xylem is made, if in the fall due to low winter temperatures tree tends to reduce the amount of water and sap in its pores. In search of an answer it is invited to consider thermal polarization effects in the xylem of tree trunks during the spring equinox. The results of monitoring of daily average temperature showed that during the winter the temperature of the day varies in the amount of one and a half times greater than during the night, and in February this change is almost the same. Whereas in March the temperature change occurs in series, they sometimes are different in three times. Maximum temperature change for the day and night is achieved during the spring equinox, on average, it is ten degrees. Such a temperature change is accompanied by sharp changes in temperature during the days, which, according to the estimates, give rise to an electric field in the xylem along the trunk. Under this approach, in the work estimated expression was theoretically derived for the concentration of salt ions in the xylem of tree trunks, giving reason to believe that the described mechanism also contributes to the value of the osmotic pressure. All these considerations lead to the assumption that intensive spring sap flow (in the absence of currents of transpiration) is stimulated by thermal polarization effects in the xylem of the trunk, caused by the intense ambient temperature changes during this period.

thermal polarization phenomena, temperature change of the environment, transport of water in the xylem, spring sap flow, osmotic pressure.

В статье ищется ответ на вопрос, как осуществляется распределение концентрации растворенных в соке минеральных веществ после зимнего периода в ксилеме, если в осенний период в силу низких зимних температур дерево стремится уменьшить количество воды и сока в своих порах. В поисках ответа предлагается рассмотреть термополяризационные явления в ксилеме стволов деревьев в период весеннего равноденствия. Результаты мониторинга среднесуточной температуры показали, что в течение зимнего периода температура за день изменяется величину, в полтора раза большую, чем за ночь, а в феврале это изменение практически одинаково.


Ключевые слова: термополяризационные явления, изменение температуры окружающей среды, транспорт воды в ксилеме, весеннее сокодвижение, осмотическое давление.


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