The research of geographical plantations is a tool to study the geographical variation of the inherited features of forest species. The present article demonstrates growth results of the geographical plantations of pine on the north-eastern territory of the Moscow Region. The lots were established under the supervision of Prof. S.S. Lisin and are represented by two patches located in Sverdlovskoye Forest District of Schelkovo Experimental Forest Enterprise of Moscow State Forest University. Another scheduled inventory was carried out in the both stands upon reaching of the age of 50 years. This age indicates that the geographical plantations are at their final stage of stem formation. The generation evaluation index was used to give unbiased assessment of the provenances’ growth. The indices were calculated on the basis of average height, diameter and volume per hectare at the age of 30 and 50 years. The ranks of the provenances vary within the process of growth. The ecotypes ranked to be the best at the age of 50 years (stem formation stage) were not ranked the same good at the age of 30 years (pole-wood stage). The provenances from the Volgograd and Sumy regions showed the highest age stability among the best types. This proves the ongoing variation of the Scots Pine provenances. However, it is necessary to point out that such variation in terms of growth takes place within more and more limited ranges. On the whole, the provenances from the Volgograd, Saratov and Tambov regions of Russia along with those from the Ukraine and Latvia are considered to be the most suitable for the conditions of the north-east of the Moscow Region. The growth intensity of the Scots Pine provenances decreases if moving to the north and east. The climatic type from the European North, Ural, Siberia and the Far East are considered to be the least suitable.
geographical crops, Scots Pine, climatic type, provenance, stem formation stage, Schelkovo Experimental Forest Enterprise, the Moscow Region.
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