from 01.01.2021 until now
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the identification of biotic variability of hybrid seed progeny of the apple tree grown in the upper terrace of the VS. M. Krutovsky Botanical Garden. Hybrids have been obtained by successful crossing selected varieties in previous studies. Trees of different varieties are selected for intraspecific hybridization. These varieties are distinguished by large-fruited, increased productivity (Sharapai, Papirovka, General Orlov, Arkad stakanchatyy, Arkad zimniy, Bismarck, Golden spike), color (Anti-Easter) and early fruit ripening (Cinnamon striped, White pouring, Golden spike), as well as good taste qualities (Papirovka, White pouring, Arkad stakanchatyy). It was found that the use of the Antipashalnoe variety for intraspecific hybridization contributes to the formation of seedlings with burgundy leaves. Families obtained from forward and back crossing of parental pairs are compared in height and diameter of the stem. In the experiment, where the varieties of summer ripening period (Papirovka, Beliy filling, Arkad stakanchatyy) are taken as the mother plant and pollen is collected from trees of winter varieties (Antipaskhalnoe, Sharopai), the excess in height is 29.7% and the excess in diameter is 12.9%.
yablonya, sort, gibridizaciya, sem'ya, izmenchivost'
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