Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In 2022, the foresters of our country are celebrating the 140th anniversary of the scientific, pedagogical, industrial and social activities of Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Tyurin. A.V. Tyurin worked in Voronezh for 24 years, foresters note the meaningful, fruitful life of a forester, scientist, educator of youth. Created with his participation, the Voronezh Higher Forestry School gradually transformed into a large forestry university of federal significance. He was characterized by broad erudition, benevolence, a sensitive attitude towards people - this is the attractive force that attracted him to solve complex problems (his students recall). Many dozens of works capture the thoughts of a veteran of Russian forestry. The work "Fundamentals of economy in pine forests" entered the treasury of classic works on forestry; Tables of the progress of plantation growth are widely used by every practical arborist and serve as a standard for comparison in the study of the structure of stands by arborists-scientists.
forest scientist A.V. Tyurin, teacher, professor, first rector of the Voronezh Forest Engineering Institute
1. Dudarev, A. D. Glorious anniversary // For forest personnel, Dedicated to Professor A.V. Tyurin, 1972. - No. 30 (270). - P. 1.
2. Veresin, M. M. From conversations with a teacher // For forest personnel, Dedicated to Professor A.V. Tyurin, 1972. - No. 30 (270). - P. 2.
3. Veresin, M. M. Forests of Voronezh. Origin, shape and future of our forest landscapes. - Voronezh : Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1971. - 224 p. EDN:
4. Memoirs of the scientist forester Alexander Vladimirovich Tyurin (Compiled by A.P. Tyurin). - Pub-lishing Solutions, 2021. - 243 p.
5. Encyclopedia of forestry (in 2 volumes). V. 2 [M-Ya] / Federal Forestry Agency ; [Antipenko T.A. and etc.]. - Edition corrected and enlarged. - Moscow, 2006. - P. 323.