Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Minsk, Belarus
To obtain high-quality peeled veneer, heating of wood is a mandatory technological operation. In winter, it is necessary to first thaw, and then warm up the wood to a certain temperature on the surface of the pencil. The operation of thawing and warming up is performed in open or closed water pools. One of the main factors of this technological operation is their duration. The available calculation formulas for employees of plywood enterprises are quite complex, since a number of values are selected from a large number of literary sources, and in the future, a number of parameters are calculated that determine the duration of thawing and heating of wood. In recent years, enterprises, in order to intensify the process of heating wood, are switching from open to closed pools. The results of the continuation of the TRP of wood in a closed water basin presented in the work will allow specialists to determine the desired time parameters without additional calculations. The results obtained showed that the determining factors for the duration of the TRP of wood in the production of plywood are not only the temperature of the air and the temperature of the water in the pool, but also the density of wood. Thus, for denser types of wood (birch, larch) used in the production of plywood, more time is required for thawing and heating. Moreover, the main heating of wood occurs at a pool water temperature of 60 °C, when thawing of wood occurs. After that, the duration of heating the wood to a temperature of 20 °C on the surface of the pencil is significantly reduced, especially at a pool water temperature of 80 °C.
peeled veneer, core (of veener), wood thawing, wood heating, duration, water pool, technological parameters
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