Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
this article reveals the environmental problems of inland water transport, drawing on the example of inland water transportation of timber. It represents the current situation and suggests introducing arrangements for solving the problems of inland water transportation of timber.

environmental problems of inland water transport

УДК 634*378.33



Pirtskhalava N.R., bachelor

Shtaborov D.A., senior teacher of Northern

(Arctic) FederalUniversity

Arkhangelsk, Russia

DOI: 10.12737/11094

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены экологические проблемы внутреннего водного транспорта на примере водного транспорта лесоматериалов. Представлена текущая ситуация и предложены мероприятия по решению проблем водного транспорта лесоматериалов.

Summary: this article reveals the environmental problems of inland water transport, drawing on the example of inland water transportation of timber. It represents the current situation and suggests introducing arrangements for solving the problems of inland water transportation of timber.

Ключевые слова: экологические проблемы внутреннего водного транспорта

Keywords: environmental problems of inland water transport



Russia has a large and extensive network of river ways. Inland water transport is of great importance in those regions where the directions of the main economic and transport relations and river ways coincide, like in the river basin of the Volga and Kama in the European part of Russia, or in poorly developed regions with almost complete absence of alternative transport means in the North and Northeast of the country [1].


1. Surov G. Ya. Transportation of wood freights by inland-waterways vessels: study guide/G. Ya. Surov, V.A. Barabanov. - Arkhangelsk: NArFU, 2010. - 208 p.;

2. The inland water transport strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2030 [Digital resource] / The Access Mode: http://www.mintrans.ru/;

3. Shtaborov D.A., Rymashevsky V.L.. Timber rafting problems on small rivers and rivers of middle size of the Arkhangelsk region [Digital resource] / The Access Mode: http://science-bsea.narod.ru/;

4. Mitrofanov A.A. Feasibility of timber rafting types on the rivers with limited depth [Digital resource] / The Access Mode: http://rt.petrsu.ru/

5. Mitrofanov A.A. Timber-rafting. New technologies, scientific and equipment support [text]: monograph / A.A. Mitrofanov - Arkhangelsk: ASTU Publishing, 2007. - 492 p.: fig.

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