Fire-fighting and carrying out reforestation on the burnt forests is a complex problem for the forest sector. Current guidelines of technology for the development of burnt forests do not fully meet modern requirements, so the solution of this problem is of scientific and practical interest for the forest industry professionals. Features of the application of the most common means of mechanization for harvesting, as well as labor costs are at their operation are marked as the result of analysis of method of harvesting stands in areas with both commodity and non-commodity timber. It is noted that the greatest interest for sparsely areas is way to eliminate burnt forests by chainsaw felling and skidding of stems to the loading warehouse using chokerless skid devices in the unit with wheel tractors. This technology eliminates the clearing of cutting areas from forest residues and performs branches cutting and stems butchering for assortments in one place. Conducted approbation of low-operation harvesting technology of stands on the roll with a chainsaw "Husqvarna" and skidding trees with chokerkess skid equipment for thinning the forest ОРУ-2 unit with МТЗ-80/82, confirmed its benefits and made it possible to establish the basic performance characteristics. Test plot of pine seedlings is laid, using open and closed root system and indicators of their survival and growth are identified. Planting of yearling pine seedlings with closed root system on non-treated belts led to their death. Assessing the impact of mycorrhiza in making it into the soil on plant growth and survival, has confirmed the feasibility of its use in creating pine plantations on sandy soils.
burnt forests, felling, skidding equipment, technology, planting material, seedlings, forest plantations, soil, mycorrhizae, growth, survival.
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