Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the factors ensuring sufficient grain is the use of high quality seeds for sowing and harvest preservation at all stages of production. In this case, important value has such indicator of quality of grain, as its damage. According to many researchers grain passing through the machines during post-harvest processing, often has more physical damage than the incoming for processing. When used for sowing seeds is mechanically damaged grain yields is sharply reduced. Under adverse conditions 1 % of injured seeds leads to lower grain yields for 30-50 kg / ha. In this connection, we evaluated the quality of grain handling in terms of crushing of various cultures on the production line of winnowing machine ЗАВ-40 in LLC "Fakel" of Petropavlovsky district of the Voronezh region. The results of crushing grain in bucket elevators during its processing at grain cleaning unit ЗАВ-40 are presented. Also the results of the relative increase in grain crushing in bucket elevators during its processing at grain cleaning unit ЗАВ-40 are presented. It has been established that the considered processing line of postharvest processing of grain should be improved by reducing the number of elevators, or, in extreme cases, opportunities to modernize the elevator in order to reduce damage to the grain should be sought. Moreover, these activities will be particularly significant in the processing of grain and seeds with low strength of the casing, which can be attributed, and sunflower. This fact suggests that the farms must have grain cleaning units not only for the processing of food and seed grain, but also sunflower.

grain cleaning machine, bucket elevator, seed damage.

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