Predictive model of post-fire reforestation in the Irkutsk region
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Abstract (English):
Forest fires are one of the most acute problems of the forest complex of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, most of the natural coniferous forests of the boreal zone have pyrogenic origin, and forest fires are a natural component of the successions of coniferous forests. On the other hand, forest fires cause great damage, consisting in the costs of extinguishing them, burnt material values, including damaged stands on the root, as well as environmental damage - pollution of the air basin over large areas, pollution of runoff into reservoirs, etc. Different tree species, in different forest growing conditions, react differently to the pyrogenic effects of different intensities. A striking example is the larch forests of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), growing on permafrost, and very well adapted to fairly frequent wildfires. The adoption of management decisions on the types and methods of reforestation after forest fires of various intensity should be based on predictive models of the course of natural reforestation. To compile such a model for the forests of the Irkutsk region, full-scale experimental studies were carried out, consisting in the examination of hares of different years, after forest fires of varying intensity. As a result of statistical processing of the experimental data obtained, mathematical dependences of the development of a multicomponent forest ecosystem, including coniferous and deciduous trees of the younger, middle and older age groups, presented in this article, were compiled. The work was carried out within the framework of the scientific school "Innovative developments in the field of logging industry and forestry" of the Arctic State Agrotechnological University.

post-fire dynamics, forest fires, natural reforestation, mathematical modeling
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