Software for managing of maintenance and repair system of forest machines: assessment of applicability
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Abstract (English):
Modern enterprises of the forest complex are a sphere of production, in which information technologies are increasingly being introduced to increase efficiency. To improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair of forest machines for forestry and forestry industries, it is necessary to evaluate the possibility of using specialized software in forestry and logging industries. To compare the functionality and deployment capabilities, various programs of domestic and foreign manufacturers are considered, used both for automating repair work and for managing maintenance and repair. A comparative assessment of the similarities and differences of software products based on cluster analysis of binary data interpreted by the method of intergroup relations using the Jac-card measure is carried out. Due to the specifics of forestry enterprises (forest machines are located at a consid-erable distance from the service base), in order to monitor the technical condition, it is necessary that forest ma-chines be equipped with a diagnostic system and data transmission facilities. When choosing a specific software, it is necessary to rely on such parameters as the size of the enterprise of the forest complex, its needs, financial capabilities. The software should be integrated into a single information space that allows the use of digital twin’s technology.

software, forest machines, maintenance and repair, forest complex, reforestation, logging, information space
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