Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Minsk, Belarus
UDK 630 Лесное хозяйство. Лесоводство
The basis for adjusting the previously established boundaries of forest seed areas for forest-forming species are the results of studying the condition, growth intensity and productivity of their offspring in the form of forest geographical crops, which were created in the 60-70s of the XX century in different regions of the USSR. The best geoecotypes are identified by comparing the morphometric parameters achieved by the test geographical offspring by the age of “ripening”, or on the basis of multifactor analysis with their comprehensive assessment based on a set of criteria. In 2018-2021 In order to identify and select the best geoecotypes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), moved to the Central Black Earth Region (Voronezh region), based on their potential economic suitability for sustainable forest reproduction in the European part of the Russian Federation, comprehensive studies were carried out in 59-61-year-old tree stands that are seed trees offspring of different forest-steppe and steppe geoecotypes. On 32 trial plots, promising, medium and unpromising P. sylvestris geoecotypes were determined using a unified methodology and 12 evaluation criteria. It has been reliably established that among the 18 forest-steppe ecotypes studied, only 4 are the best. To introduce them into silviculture production, it is necessary to optimize the logistics of procuring seeds of the best ecotypes, growing standard planting material from them and planting them in appropriate forest conditions. According to forecasts, the use of seeds and planting material, identified selectively the best geoecotypes of P. sylvestris during the implementation of plans for the sustainable reproduction of future forests in the European part of the Russian Federation, will provide an accumulative silvicultural and economic effect that grows over time and high economic efficiency.
Scots pine; Pinus sylvestris L., geographical forest crops; comprehensive assessment; condition, growth and produc-tivity; the best forest-steppe and steppe ecotypes; prospect rating
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