Bozhko Svetlana

Academic degree
candidate of agricultural sciences from 1999 until now
Academic rank
  1. Voronezh State University , ecology and land resources , assistant professor , medical and biological , 2021 to 2021 Education level: Graduate school Specialty: 06.03.02 Почвоведение
  2. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet , ekologii i zemel'nyh resursov , docent , Mediko-biologicheskiy , Education level: Graduate school
  3. Voronezh State University , Department of Ecology and Land Resources , associate professor , medical and biological , 2021 to 2021 Education level: Graduate school Specialty: 06.03.02 Почвоведение
Scientific interests
GRNTI 34.35 Экология
VAC 03.02.08 Экология (по отраслям)
was not
Voronezh, Russian Federation
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