Роль химического состава и структуры природных минералов при воздействии импульсного магнитного поля на сорбционные процессы
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The activating influence of pulse magnetic field treatment on formaldehyde adsorption on natural minerals enriched with clinoptilolite, montmorillonite and a mixed mineral was studied. The rise of adsorption and a relaxation effect were found.

Ключевые слова:
adsorption, clay minerals, pulse magnetic field treatment, formaldehyde


It is commonly known that the variety of aluminosilicates properties is caused by their composition, the structure and surface features. Active surface sites of aluminosilicates surface are represented by exchangeable cations K+, Na+, Ca2+, hydroxyl groups of acidic/basic character, as well as coordinately unsaturated ions of Al3+, Mg2+ and Fe3+. Owing to presence of these active sites alumosilicates exhibit significant ion-exchange, adsorption and catalytic properties already in natural form that continue attracting researcher to studying and searching of their new applications.

Adsorption processes, especially adsorption from the gaseous phase, are extremely sensitive to physical and chemical state of the real surface of solids, including natural sorbents. Traditionally, in order to enhance the adsorption and catalytic properties the aluminosilicates are activated by chemical and physical methods such as acid or alkaline, thermal, mechanical activations or their combinations. It worth mentioning that these means are highly energy intensive and have significant impact on the environment due to a high amount of wastes.

Список литературы

1. Belchinskaya L.I., Khodosova N.A., Bitiutskaya L.A. Adsorption of formaldehyde on mineral nanoporous sorbents treated by pulse magnetic field // Physico-chemistry of surface and protection of materials. - 2009. - V45. №2. - P.218-221.

2. Buchachenko A.L., Sagdeev R.Z., Salikhov K.M. Magnetic and spin effects in chemical reactions. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1978.

3. Bingi V.N., Savin A.V. Physical problems of action of weak magnetic fields on biological systems // Advances of physical science. - 2003. - V.173.- №3. - P.265-300.

4. Salikhov К.М., Molin Yu.N., Sagdeev R.Z. Buchachenko A.L. Spin polarization and magnetic field effects in radical reactions, edited by Yu.N. Molin, 1984, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

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